Sunday, May 22, 2016

trinity sunday notes-Prov. 8 Ps. 8

May 22 Trinity sunday Ps. 8, Prov. 8, Jn 16, Rom. 5
Trinity Sunday reminds us that we worship a complex God. We attempt to make sense of the ways God is presented to us in the bible, and  we name god as Trinity this Sunday.this year let’s take a look at Prov. 8 for a neglected part of speaking of God, the Wisdom inherent in creation.The final two verses of the passage are the most crucial for understanding not only the relationship between God and Wisdom, but also that between God and that which God creates, especially human beings. In verse 30, Wisdom describes herself as beside God at creation, either, depending on the translation, “like a master worker” or “like a little child.” The former translation is in keeping with a depiction of Wisdom as God’s partner in creation, a craftsperson who assists God in the formation of the world.  Wisdom is the formative power of God’s delight. As Elizabeth A. Johnson writes of this text, Wisdom “is a beneficent, right-ordering power in whom God delights and by whom God creates; her constant effort is to lure human beings into life.” Wisdom is the creative power of God that is embedded in the world; each created thing, and the creation as a whole, speaks of the Wisdom of God.
That Wisdom is God’s very delight. It is by the power of delight that God brought forth the world. Proverbs 8 tells us that God delights  in us. God’s delight is the power that drives God to create, forming all that is through the ordering power of divine delight.  Wisdom draws human beings into delighted relationship with the divine.Webb-Amy Erickson Through Woman Wisdom, God expresses the enthusiasm of a Powerball winner for humanity. In inviting all humans to join her in her dance of delight, Wisdom invites humanity to engage in a joyful search for God's dynamic presence through and in the world. God willing, the process of seeking the divine in the world and in each other just might drive out some of the darkness.
When I was young, I wanted to be an astronomer, until I took high school physics and never grasped much. I still love looking at pictures of the cosmos and stories of it. Recently, the Kepler telescope found around 1200 new planets and nine of them are in the goldilocks zone of being just right for life as we know it.Ps. 8 what does creation and newer science tells us about God?see william brown,  McGrath book the universe is capable to be studied as it reflects a divine order, even as it contains a raft of random elements-supreme harmony of all as Jonathan Edwards said includes the very character and actions of God.

rom. 5 God’s love poured into our hearts-
God is not limited in time or space or circumstance in the spirit of John 16-The future is open. It requires our discernment, our listening, watching for, and trusting that God will continue to reveal Godself through the Spirit of Truth. Jesus has shown us is the God still at work for our illumination and strength to persist. We  acknowledge that there may still be truths that we are not able to bear, and that God accompanies us along the way Ages ago some churches called themselves more light churches, as well as in our recent history., all of which we cannot see, but all of which we dare to trust is Trinity is at work for us, revealing light here and preparing a place suitable for each and all of us in the fullness of God's reign.(Heinrich)

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