Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29 sermon Notes-Lk. 7:1-10

May 29 Lk. 7:1-10

A centurion would be the last person most would seek faithful expression-servant/child/slave/” close-sort of an NCO/lieutenant,went second hand-emissaries-centurion”  as one under authority-Centurions had a middling role in the hierarchy of the Roman army,.by this time they looked to be promoted in the ranks-usually excellent soldiers of skill-had a rod of authority -somewhat our captain in the army or maybe better a boatswain on the ship-this is the face of being under Rome’s thumb, the ones who took from you, made you carry their packs who roughed up your relative.

What faith is being praised by Jesus-trust in his power it seems to be able to heal at a distance. centurions in Luke get good press as one demonstrates faith in healing and one says truly this was the son of god at the cross.. I don;t care if he is a good guy; he is not one of us, not on our side.Stories of occupation-under the thumb-recipients of charity-why his servant and not mine, why not me.Jesus does speak the word. He does not go to the centurion’s home. He does not touch the slave. The amazing element of this story if that Jesus is the one who is amazed -- not the centurion, not the various groups that go to speak with Jesus, but Jesus himself. Jesus is astounded at the faith of this “enemy”, this gentile. This man’s faith engenders a “long-distance” healing, a sign of enormous divine connection. .

The centurion recognized who Jesus was -- did the elders do approach Jesus as requested Jesus does love his enemy. Jesus heals the slave of the centurion because of his owner’s faith. Are we willing to approach Jesus, for ourselves, for our friends, for our enemies? How does this story help us begin to answer the question, “who then is this?”(J. Brown-WP)  Why? Why does the centurion of Capernaum not beg Jesus himself as he does in Matthew and in John (on behalf of his son in this account)? Is he being savvy, using his network to make sure the right person "does the ask" as it is said in fundraising circles? Is it a matter of knowing a guy who knows a guy in order to get the favor, the event tickets, the bill passed, the meeting set up?Centurion truly recognizes that, powerful as he is, he is unworthy to ask for help from the One with far greater authority than he. Powerful as he is, he is powerless in this circumstance..  Jesus holds ultimate power and has ultimate authority. Not once but twice, the centurion sends others to intercede for him. First the Jewish leaders, second his friends. This centurion knows his place in relationship to Jesus. Despite the religious leaders calling the centurion "worthy" and one who loves "our people" (the word is agape, by the way), the centurion says of himself, "I am not worthy" and "I do not presume to come to you." This man is not limping along with two different opinions, as Elijah made fun of the priests. . He is clear about who is Lord and acts accordingly.As Calvin said we tend to worship the gifts and not the giver. Centurion probably believe din Roman gods especially Roman God of healing Asclepius-healing had its own shrines-linked to  Hippocrates-.caduceus. For the Romans they referred to the divine benefits of a god as salvation, as healing, as the giving of new life. Recall that frequently when jesus heals, it is the same word as save.Healing comes in many forms.Admission of humility, of dependence-entrusting one to another’s care-Old Catholic communion prayer-

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