Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sermon Notes, Babel, Technology, and Pentecost

John 14:8-17, 27 Ps. 104, Gen. 11 Rom 8:14
   The story of Babel is simultaneously one of the power of technology and a confusion resulting from its use. The ancients tried to reach the very gate of God with their tower, with the sense that God was upstairs in a 3 story cosmos ( as in the russian cosmonaut sneering that he did not see god in space). In our time, I think that one of the reasons we see religion is dire straits is technology becoming a religion in itself and it has pushed God to the margins. Technology has attributes we applied to God: ubiquity, enormous power. The great ancient story tells  of the desire to reach the very gates of heaven. God confuses balal language so Babel/Babylon’s quest falls into confusion. In our time technology and the march of science may feel the same way.The many languages lead to confusion and misunderstanding. The primeval  prologue of Genesis starts with creation and moves to eden and ends up with a dispersed confused wandering humanity.Pentecost offers a reversal of Babel. Pentecost signals a new community, not divided by language, aiming toward a goal not wandering aimlessly.The tongues  as of fire, allow them to speak in their language but to be heard and understood by others in their own. -
   Late technology technological optimism, priesthood, imperative.For many of us technology threats to make a us more machine like and less human. some of us feel that technology drains life out of the world as it soaks up power, time, and attention. (see sweet piece on new book on cyber world) We carry around cell phones like wireless umbilical cords. People having a romantic dinner have their faces planted on the little screen stealing the light from the eyes of the loved one across the table.People talk about facebook friends having more reality and importance than flesh and blood. Jacques Ellul famously said that we were so concerned about doing things quickly and efficiently, so concerned about standard operating procedure, the operating system in computer terms, but we lack resources for what we are to do. I would say that we can find spirit driven technology v. engines of death-It is not all clear to me that technolog is neutral, as a gun’s purpose is to kill.Technology is blamed for a lot of this loneliness, since the loneliness is certainly associated with the newer technological devices—TV, jets, freeways and so on—but Ray Kurzweil CAT scans Hounsfield,  and MRI.Raymond Damadian-invention is often a collaborative process and the spirit resides there as well.Spirit resides in inspiration and creativity.Spirit v. ;letter of the law-
I don't wish to speak of the spirit as anti-technology, but perhaps as giving life, giving purpose to our inventions and use of them.spirit of understanding each in own language Joel’s words come to life years later the Spirit goes to all ages and conditions without regard for using twitter accounts.After all peace is fruit of the spirit.Ellul says, "The innermost being of one person has reached the innermost of another through the mediation and ambassadorship of this language go-between." That's the miracle of Pentecost. It isn't about "ourselves." It is about recognizing the other, seeing and hearing them, being seen and heard, through the power of the Holy Spirit.We can use the machine as an analogy to the operation of our bodies and even minds. Yet, the more technology advances, the more we realize the depths of human nature and relationships. When we plumb those depths, we are in the realm of the spirit.

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