Wednesday, January 22, 2014

OT Notes Micah 6:1-8

1)  Many, if not most commentators,   see this section as a covenant law hearing (rib) so it goes back and forth like a piece of a transcript or maybe a Mee the Press format in our time.

2) Notice that the audience seems to be impartial nature. why do you think? what would be an equivalent now? those alien trial scenes in Star Trek?

3) Is not v. 3 the voice of a heartbroken parent. Can;t you hear the discouragement, the bewilderment in the very question?

4) How effective is this recital of history? What would you list for our history as Americans. Recall this would be some old history. If one would accept certain supposed dates of the exodus (if it occurred as even a partial historical event) we could be going back over 400 years.  

5) I am always amazed at Christians stereotyping Judaism as a ritualistic religion. Look at how this passage ends and tell me that this reflects a legalistic mindset?

6) In the famous  ending of v. 8, the word translated as mercy or kindness, is hesed, usually as lovingkindness, or steadfast love or covenant loyalty.the rabbis sometimes tried to soum up the teaching of God, and this one certainly would fit that aspiration.

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