Sunday, January 5, 2014

devoitonal pts-week of Jan. 5

Sunday January 5- Ps.147 starts off our first sunday of the new year with praise.why is it so hard for us to engage fulsome praise for God? Why do we settle for repeating the word endlessly in so-called praise psalms? Here God’s message to us is connected to all of the seeming decrees it takes to keep the natural world going, governance and providence in Reformed language circles. In our time and lives, do we even consider praise of God not only for creation but its regular continuance and pattern?

Epiphany traditionally closes the 12 days of Christmas Even as a kid,I did not think we had a good handle on it.the different ethnicities of the Magi certainly presaged the global reach of the faith. Do we even now come to grips with magicians who unwittingly encounter a connection to power that they could only dream of? What spiritual epiphany has illumined you over the years?

Tuesday-There is no even so commonplace but that god is not present within it,always hiddenly, always leaving you room to recognize him or not, but...all the more hauntingly.Frederick  Buechner Do you have experiences such as this? We so often stress the visible obvious hand of god that we neglect the vital spiritual truth that God works often behind the scenes and we can detect that movement only after the fact and the passage of some good amount of time.

Wednesday-Our resolutions for the New Year often have The stability and perseverance of our spiritual vows.Maybe that is OK, as it quickly    introduces us to the l theme of fall, repentance, and fall in a cycle of our lives. Just considering resolutions shows a level of self-awareness that we rarely employ. Do you employ resolutions? Why or why not?

Thursday-”Weaving in and out of lives I've come to know the letting go as the surrender in that war between my roots and wings.”MACRINA WIEDERKEHR, Seasons of Your Heart. Where would you like to notice deep penetrating roots in 2014? Where do you think you need wings to see and explore in 2014? Of what do you need to let go?

Friday (Parker Palmer_New Year', invites us to open our eyes to what Howard Thurman calls "the growing edge" of life, and aspire to grow with it. As Thurman says, nothing embodies the growing edge better than a newborn—or, I'd say, a very young child.” Where do you permit a childlike sense of wonder to inhabit your being and relationships? Should not wonder at any relationship be a part of it? Where doyou have some growing edges in your life that should be explored this year? Where do we need that learner’s openness?

SaturdayAt the beginning of time and at the end you are God and I bless you.At my birth and in my dying,in the opening of the day and at its close, in my waking and my sleeping
you are God and I bless you.You are the first and the last,the giver of every gift,the presence without whom there would be no present,the life without whom there is no life.
Lead me to the heart of life’s treasure that I may be a bearer of the gift.Lead me to the heart of the present that I may be a sharer of your eternal presence.-from Sounds of the Eternal

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