Monday, January 20, 2014

Is. 9:1-4

1) Obviously we have this as it ties to the Mt. 4 reading. question what other ways can we turn it if not directly relating it to Jesus? For instance, play with the light imagery shared with Ps. 27 in our readings.

2) 9:1 has some serious issues of translations. It seems that some translations are determined to make it brighter than it may well be.

3) When have you walked in both physical and emotional or mental darkness? This could be a great place to speak of depression.Look at how people describe it and place it along these words of gloom, anguish, and darkness.

4) Note our passage counters the assertion in 8:22.

5) The yoke/burden metaphor is in Is. 10 and 14 as well.

6) Please consider working with the image of light as well. I often think of a good sermon as casting light on different pieces of a text and life situation.

7) I am not a joyful person. so I see that joy is repeated in v. 3. How to give a sense of joy without mentioning the word constantly, a sin praise songs, is a real challenge. What are stories or events that elicit joy? I certainly  think of V-E and V-J days. Folks certainly experience joy at their favorite team winning a championship.

8) The last verse (4) clearly deals with liberation. Where do you sense opporssion and where do you seek liberation?

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