Sunday, September 3, 2017

Reflections for Week of Sept. 3

Sunday-Ps. 105:1-6,23-26- V.26 speaks of dealing craftily or shrewdly with enemies. When has an enemy dealt with you so? How did you manage such an assault? Do you get help?  Does evil seem to have more cunning than the good have wisdom?

Oscar Romero-The church, with its message, and with its word, will meet a thousand obstacles, just as the river encounters boulders, rocks, and chasms. No matter; the river carries a promise: “I will be with you to the end of the ages” and “The gates of hell shall not prevail” against the will of the Lord (Matt. 28:20, Matt. 16:18)

"Sometimes you don't fully see where you were until you leave it. Sometimes you don't see the value of what you've done until you let it go. A Ghanaian proverb says, 'The living close the eyes of the dead, and the dead open the eyes of the living.'"~Dr. Claudette Copeland

"One of the great gifts to me in the act of discernment, which is making decisions rooted in a sense of calling through Spirit, is to recognize how I can’t think my way through life decisions. Body sensations, nudges, intuition, and felt senses all offer me valuable information as well."--- Christine Valters Paintner,

-Br. Luke Ditewig-Much of how we hurt each other stems from taking offense at change. We easily cling to sticky memories, trapping people in the past. We also resist change in ourselves. Complacency, dejection, and fear can hold us back. Yet such changes may be exactly what we need and what God enables.

Friday-Comparisons always leave us in a bad place. We either judge ourselves better than someone, which is the toxin of pride; or we judge ourselves worse than someone else, which tarnishes our own dignity and may affect theirs. God gives each one of us a story line, and our story is our story, like none other.-Br. Curtis Almquist

Saturday- "O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams."— St. Augustine

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