Sunday, September 3, 2017

Notes for Sermon on Sept. 3

Sept. 3 Ex.3-holy place but perhaps an offer of desert hospitality- Janzen-alien shepherd on the run for manslaughter now at home with “god- as a guest- connects with the past-God is concerned and then it dawns Moses of his role in the concern.deliverance by the inadequate Moses will lead to worship at the same spot mysterious name of time, of no limit,creator i cause to be- a i am who/what i am, a name of commitment and solidarity-Willis-But unlike human commitments that can waver and fade, God's identity will be constant. God will be known in God's future faithfulness to Moses and the people -- "I will be with you," God promises (3:12).God will be with them in the path of totality, in good times and bad, without consuming the Moses nor the people. Again, God’s presence is one that can be grasped, in a bush, before the theophany at the mountain of Sinai. You stand on holy ground. With the advent of Jesus Christ, is not all ground, holy ground, special ground? The present One, the Living One-the eternal now-the bush is a vehicle of presence, but it is not consumed, not burnt up.

Rom. 12:9 concentric circles of care and intimacy-Paul pushes the christian to see our engagements, our encounters as holy moments. I like to read this as part of a wedding ceremony. Some churches use it as the charge every week. Paul gives quite a list of practices for christian life. Here is christian life in action propelled by worship.Each practice, each virtue deserves careful reflection. Here is a classic demonstration of love in relationship to care as much for the other as one does for oneself-that permits that mourning with those who mourn in, but it is much more difficult to rejoice with those who rejoice.Even with all of its internal praise, look at how much of it is directed at beings agents of peace, even to the point of blessing those who persecute and taking taking revenge into one’s own hands.Return no one evil for evil. Only with the spirit’s power can one absorb evil without lashing out and having it infect oneself.

Mt. 16:21-8-schmid (WP) They had seen crosses and knew how life-crushing . For the Christian, the cross is a holy site, a place where divine holiness is revealed in a stark, new way.For them, the thought of carrying a cross was a life and death matter. In the end, many of them did die because they followed the Messiah.  No one really expects to die in the process. But, even to deny ourselves seems too much to ask. We aren't much good at that either…. Yet, in all our weakness and human mindedness, it is Jesus' own death on the cross that enables us to do what we cannot.

God's power is revealed not in walks through the porticos of power, but through the dusty alleys of weakness and misery. That is where he strengthens us to bear the burdens of discipleship. It is his burden we take upon our shoulders. It is his strength that bears the weight. We do nothing on our own, but he can do much through us. Without him, Peter was no rock, but a stumbling block. With him, Peter was the church. With him, we are not powerless to deny ourselves but able to bear all he may give us.For Claudia’s family, I went to Jefferson Barracks. I am moved by its pageant of history there. I am also torn by how many markers are there as they answered the call of their country in war. Row after row after row of white markers.

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