Sunday, September 17, 2017

Reflection Points for Week of Sept. 17

Sunday Sept 17 -Ps. 114 captures our Exodus theme for this period of readings.It sounds ancient to me, with its sense of nature itself running form the power of God. At the same time, v. 2 captures my attention that Judah became God’s sanctuary. It is a step to then see each individual as a locus for the presence of God. How would you look at a people as a holy place?

Monday-"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."- Helen Keller

Tuesday-From Heidi J. Kim,  ones who remind us of our own imperfection, because that’s what they notice and bring out in us. For those people who know my weaknesses, it is much harder to bless and not curse.If I enter with suspicion, that’s what I’ll find; so why not enter with love and happiness? Think of God’s love for you as the invisible force field that will deflect any slings and arrows, and ask not what the other person will do to you, but what you will do for them.Good and Gracious God, give me strength to remember that I will see what I expect to see. Open my eyes and heart to the good in others who challenge me. Help me to love them as you have loved me. Amen.

Wednesday-Groff- I pray for opportunities to arise and seize my imagination till by day's end I can say I lived and loved resiliently, compassionately in the confines of this morning afternoon and night.

Thursday-Painter-relish the gifts of slowness, attention, and wonder. The season immerses me in the sacramental imagination—the recognition that everything is holy, everything shimmers with the sacred presence if we only slow down enough to see."

Friday-Is anything less beautiful because it is a long time in the making? The marble? The mountains and the seas and the heavens above? Are we ourselves any less beautiful for being a long time in the making? We do well to trust in the slow work of God.-Br. Mark Brown

Saturday-Go where your best prayers take you. Unclench the fists of your spirit and take it easy. Breathe deep of the glad air and live one day at a time. Know that you are precious. Know that you can trust God.- Telling Secrets

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