Sunday, October 18, 2015

Spiriutal Points for Week of Oct. 18

Sunday-Ps. 104 fits our reading of God’;s creation tour with Job. Consider rewriting the psalm with our understanding of the natural world in view. I also like its view in vv.27-30 on god providing sustenance , the abundance of good things for creation, not just people.

Monday-“I live in the faith that there is a Presence...greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine. I know that this Presence is all-knowing and all-powerful and is always right where I am.” - Ernest Holmes

Tuesday-To adore... that means to lose oneself in the unfathomable, to plunge into the inexhaustible, to find peace in the incorruptible, to be absorbed in defined immensity, to offer oneself to the fire... and to give of one's deepest to that whose depth has no end. Whom, then, can we adore? Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Divine Milieu, 128

Wednesday-When we do nothing, we almost always do something; inactivity is a form activity, often with grave consequences.Miroslav Volf-

Thursday-“So often we try to force ourselves into schedules that don’t fit us, that leave us exhausted.  Certainly we need to work and earn money for food and shelter, but what might happen if one day each week you released the hold a schedule has on your life?  What if you had a Sabbath whose main purpose was to free you from the external demands of time and allowed you to see the rhythms of time as gift and invitation to a more intentional and less controlled way of being?”
--- Christine Valters Paintner,

Friday-If you knew yourself for even one moment If you could just glimpse your beautiful face,
maybe you wouldn’t slumber so deeply in that house of clay.Why not move into your house of joy~~and shine into every crevice!For you are the secret treasure-bearer, and always have been.DIDN’T YOU KNOW?—Rumi

Saturday-How often do we resist beginning a creative project due to the fear that it will not live up to the image in our minds?  Humility invites us to release those expectations and enter into the call of our gifts, knowing that it may look very differently from what we imagined.”--- Christine Valters Paintner,

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