Friday, October 2, 2015

Spiritual Quotes for Sept 27 week

Sunday-Ps. 124-has the sense of being delivered from enemies, political or natural.  When have you escaped danger? When was it due to your own powers, those of someone else, and did you detect the hand of God in it? given that, how do you handle it when escape may not come?

Monday-The creative life requires this gentle tension between freedom and structure, or ‘spontaneity and limitations,’ as Rollo May says.”

Tuesday-Encompassing God, enfold us in your loving care. Christ is indeed servant of all. Help us to effectively live out Jesus' ideal of leadership. Help us to be as servants to others, as you have been a servant to us. Give us courage and strength to meet the world that seeks to define leadership in terms of power over, rather than power with, others. In Christ's name, guide our paths. Amen. Jacob Burkman

Wednesday-Autumn constantly reminds me that my daily dyings are necessary precursors to new life. If I try to “make” a life that defies the diminishments of autumn, the life I end up with will be artificial, at best, and utterly colorless as well. But when I yield to the endless interplay of living and dying, dying and living, the life I am given will be real and colorful, fruitful and whole.From Let Your Life Speak:

Thursday-Thin places are not so much about intersections of longitude and latitude on a map as they are about the intersections of histories, experiences, people and places. There's no particular magic in a particular place, except that God breaks through for us there, or perhaps we break through to God. Or maybe we just discover, in certain places, that the "boundary" between sacredness and profanity is only an imaginary line. The place becomes holy because we believe the Holy has brushed past us there.Michael Jinkins
Friday-Barbara Sutton-On the sixth day God looked at everything and saw it was very good. God wanted us to revel in the Garden and in love...We live in a world where constant activity is the norm. We run from one event to another, arriving at a new place before our minds and hearts are able to let go of what we were doing or where we were. We pass through life and do not allow ourselves to experience deeply or be touched by people. We are in need of soul-searching. We must learn again love, compassion and honor so that we might heal the earth. How might you be held in the light? Restore harmony to creation?
Saturday-“I have always held firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little to bring some portion of misery to an end.” ~Albert Schweitzer

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