Monday, February 2, 2015

Quotes and Pts. to Ponder

Sunday-Ps. 111 is an acrostic, so lines start with letters of the alphabet(in Hebrew). Mostly it links god’s actions with the description of God’s character from Ex. 34.At the end, it oculd just as well read, the reverenc eof the Lord is th ebeginning of wisdom. How do you interpret that? Notice that it is the start of the journey toward wisdom, not its conclusion.

Monday-we learn that we must balance our Christian freedom against the needs of those we serve: that's part of being in community. The rule of love is not intended to inhibit us. It is intended to enrich and enhance human life for each of us and for those around us. From God Pause

Tuesday-A consideration of the old hymn Jesus Calls Us-”When we sing Isaiah's words, "bind up the broken hearted ones and comfort those who mourn," we are reminded that a new light has arrived for those who have no imagination for such a far reaching God, one who willingly connects with the hell and pain of grief and loss. We sing of the prophet's vision—God's light comes with the power to unlock prison doors of the innocent, to transcend tragedy and the systems of oppression that so often confine us and dash our hopes and dreams..Matthew A. Maas

Wednesday-"The more conception of God, the more self; the more self, the more conception of God," Søren Kierkegaard wrote in Sickness Unto Death. Notice some areas of your own self-awareness that lead you to a deepening awareness of God. Example: If you're a risk-taker, how does that thrust you on God's love? If you play it safe, how does that lead you to need God to challenge you?

Wednesday-A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love."– St. Basil the Great.

Thursday-Rabbis have said the miracle was not the burning bush--but rather that Moses turned aside to look!(Exodus 3:3-3).Mindfulness. In the poem below, for us "plucking blackberries" might mean checking our electronic Blackberries or Smart Phones instead of paying attention to a sunset or another person's countenance!  

Friday- We all belong together. That is the way God made us...Our sin is only and always to pull asunder what God has joined together.” W. S. Coffin

Saturday-If we could read the secret history of those we would like to punish,we would find in each life a suffering and a sorrow enough to disarm all of our hostility. -Longfellow

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