Sunday, February 15, 2015

Devotional Pts. Week of Feb. 15

Sunday-Ps.50  fits Transfiguration God shines forth,perfect in beauty. What acts of yours shine forth in such a manner? What attitudes shine forth? What prayers shine forth? in beauty?

Monday- Many of us prefer to be more measured and sedate in our approach to the gospel. Yet here is a hymn that calls forth a response of praise over and over again—twelve times in fact, even if you only sing it through once! This outburst of praise is consistent with what the writer of Psalm 147 observed. Implied in the swirl of praise is the realization that God has created us and all that exists. God Pause Luther Seminary

Tuesday-Auden closes "For the Time Being" with the following beautiful and hopeful lines (please excuse Auden's lack of gender sensitivity):He is the Way.Follow Him through the Land of Unlikeness;You will see rare beasts, and have unique adventures.He is the Truth.Seek Him in the Kingdom of Anxiety;You will come to a great city that has expected your return for years.He is the Life.Love Him in the Word of the Flesh;And at your marriage all its occasions shall dance for joy.
Wednesday-from a poem by Christian Wiman-”even now,my prayer is that a mind blurred by anxiety or despair might find here a trace of peace..
Thursday-We slog through life too much feeling unrecognized and underappreciated. Know that God values us. God respects us. Every time you go to worship you are open to the deep sense of God knowing you, respecting you, cherishing you.
Friday In Gottman therapy, people “make bids” for attention and connection. sometimes we open the door to them, and sometimes we close them. Every day, God makes bids for our attention. Prayer is the open door to that bid.
Saturday-When did we become so quick to take offense? At the same time when did we become so heedless of other people’s feelings? Being polite tries to cast our interactions in a safe zone. On the other hand, we can be free and candid with God.

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