Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Notes on I Peter 2:2-10

This is a melange of Scriptural citations blended together.Ps. 34:8, Ps. 118:22, Is. 28:16, Is. 8, 14-5, Hos. 2:23, Ex. 19:6. what a facility for Scripture to be able to weave passages in and out.
I am unwilling to say that we get a coherent picture here, instead of flashes of images.
First we get an  image of infants being fed. I do wonder if we stick to spiritual milk too long. I attend an elderly gathering of men who have done a bible Study faithfully, but they seem so resistant to anything that challenges their particular reading and ignoring of scripture.
Taste is not a sense we emphasize that much in church, even though we are in the midst of a foodie explosion.

How can we take this notion of living stones and make ti breathe more, or be amplified more clearly. Note well  it is an image of a spiritual house, a temple, if you will. This is a corporate image for Americans weaned on individualism.
What are spiritual offerings acceptable to god in 2014?
the final quotes seem to fit well the experience of people not seeing things through the eyes of i Peter and his readers. It continues to bedevil Christians, but also anyone, how do we see things so differently?

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