Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

God is on our side as a mother is on our side
God says Yes to us as a mother embraces our virtues
No proper training exists for the role
so we rely on instinct, learnings, and prayers.

God too must be able to let go and hold on without
being cloying or too distant
Mothers struggle to keep close
without smothering or too much worry.

God is described as a fierce mother bear in Hosea 13..
Jesus uses an image of an anxious mother hen.
Dt. 32 uses the image of a safe secure place
to bring new life into the world.

The church has been called a mother.
The church swaddles infans, guides us, provides a place
where we can be assured of hearing, welcome home.

God knows what it is like to be called at all times.
Mothers hear the plea of a sick or hurt child
With infinite patience they help us
learn to be civilized, to date, to drive

Does God, too, care more for
us than for the self?
Mother surely know that fierce sense of love.
Hesed in Hebrew has a sense of loyal love, unbreakable love.
do we ever see a better example of it than in mothers?

They stitch up cuts and clothes
After all, they are teaching us
that much of daily life is mending and patching
Not only do they mend broken toys
they help mend a broken heart and a scuffed ego

That care moves seamlessly generation to generation.
Mothers endure in life and in memory.
So may stimuli,
a hint of fragrance, a word, a thought
bring them to us in utter clarity.

All mothers are held in the divine embrace.

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