Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11

1) the fiery ordeal may be persecution, but I am open to other interpretations. At any rate, Peter sees this suffering as a test or trial. christians should expect to be put on trial for their faith in this period.
2) I ma not sure what to make of this notion of sharing Christ's sufferings. Is that as a model, or something else? Most of us tned to think of sharing benefits, not sufferings.
3) the attitude  is similar to the beatitudes that one is glorified for bearing suffering for the faith.

moving down the lectionary picks up at 5:6.
Humble here has the sense of being a more passive recipient of trouble is another reversal.of values a la the Beatitudes. Proud here has the sense of shining too brightly.
Certainly many of us can gravitate to the command to cast anxieties on to god.
the resistance to the prowling of the devil somehow comes from realizing that we share suffering with one another.

After suffering, for a little while,not forever, for a little while. Suffering seems to last a long time for its victims.
Notice the great  words, restore (or perfect, men), support (make firm, confirm, make stable) ,strengthen establish.(be well-grounded), so most of the words are in the range of being strong in the face of adveristy.
In a world where power oppresses it closes with a word of the power of god.

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