Saturday, March 1, 2014

OT Notes Gen. 2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-7 First cut

I still find Trible's views in God and Rhetoric of Sexuality compelling. Some of the psychological symbolic readings are interesting, but I rarely find them compelling. I tend toward the Fall as more of a story of development from innocence to experience as Blake said. I do hold to the idea of original sin, not in a method of transmission, but in a basic theological truth about human nature holding evil with the human being. I am not a romantic and do not believe that society warps a lovely innocent being into evil. At the same time, i do hold that we are taught, carefully taught, to see certain groups of people as outsiders or insiders and project evil on to outsiders.

I need to think through more the issue of death and wisdom as presented here. God links the tree to death, but the serpent leads Eve to see it as a sapiential. When is wisdom life giving, but can it be death dealing as well? If it is death dealing, is that slyness as say how Cardinal Richelieu is always portrayed?

Why is Eve the speaker for the couple/ why is the male so passive? Is the separation here already a sign of trouble?

Is Eve seduced by the serpent, especially the bit about being surrounded by him. Has her desire transferred from the male?

Assess Eve's rendition of God's words about the tree.Please note that only the undifferentiated earth creature heard the original command.

I need to think more about the Hebrew pun on sly and naked. Why were they not ashamed? ( word used is to grow pale in its root;its seems to mean disappoint, dejected in the Pslams) Why that word? Why are then then ashamed and create clothing? Some sexual suggestion floats around this story, but it is unclear to me.This oculd be a good time to address the basic issue of shame v. guilt.

In mythology when is a serpent good or not so? I know of tree of life in other mythology. is a tree of knowledge of good and evil present?

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