Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Sam. 16 Notes

1) Why does Samuel mourn Saul? After all, he wasn;t thrilled aobut the original selection. I must admit tha tsaul elicits sympathy from me, especially when I consider him mentally unstable.

2) Why does Samuel arouse such trepidation?

3) What does the selection of David tell us about appearances being deceiving, if anything? Again we are in the biblical preference for the youngest.On the other hand, David is described. His name means beloved. that too could tell us something: beloved of whom,? Is God's love for David utterly arbitrary or does looking in on the heart mean that God sees special qualities in this youngest or smallest one, perhaps the runt of the litter? If smallest, then it is in contrast to both Saul and the eldest brother Eliab.

4) Jesse means perhaps wealthy, or God exists, or gift. Bethlehem means house of bread.

5) It cannot be coincidence that a shepherd boy becomes a shpeherd ruler of Israel.

6) What kind of sacrifice was offered, I wonder.

7) To what degree are we to read ourselves into the succession of named and unnamed brothers and wait for the seemingly insignificant one to be chosen and anointed. remember that priest, prophets, and kings were anointed ones, hence messiah/ christos.

8) I wonder why the sotry stops naming the borthers?Could that draw us in as the rejected ones? Many of us recall being the last one picked in a game.

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