Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ex. 17 Notes

I forgot to publish this in a timely way, but one can look up older thoughts on the passage on this blog if you wish.
Recall that the rock can be a feminine image as in the rock of birth Dt.32:18 What does it say about the people as followers? How are they keeping a slavish dependence mentality here?
What does this passage say about Moses and God as leaders? Why does God have water come out at all?
Massah means place of testing and Meribah is place of a lawsuit, contention, dispute. so this could be a great time to address church conflict or interpersonal conflict.
Notice that Paul associates the water with Christ elsewhere in I Cor. 10:4

Work with the image of water form the rock.Remember where they are in the narrative.Horeb probably comes from a word for dry, desolate.
This also could be a great place to talk about complaining
Look at how this is remembered in Ps. 98
Massah could be a good place to examine the te4sting of God when we are feeling tried/tested/tempted. See the Lord's Prayer or the first week in Lent reading as well

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