Monday, November 11, 2013

OT Notes for Is. 65:17-25

1) This is the great biblical antidote to the notion that apocalyptic material is only about destruction and chaos.I am so tired of moderate Christians ceding the field to the right wing on this matter. in part, our inattention to it has created a vacuum.

2) Consider looking at the series of painting on the peaceable kingdom by the Quaker Kicks.

3) New heaven and new earth may fly in the face of scientific projections about the fate of the universe. this may be a good time to look at science and faith as mutually exclusive, or in conflict, or as complements to one another.

4) I’ve been doing work on the Holy spirit. What would the role of the spirit be in new creation?

5) Notice that the new heavens create a forgetting of the former things. What constitutes the former things?

6 Is the longesvity and security of jerusalem  an insufficient view of such an fundamental promise?

7) How does v. 14 affect your view of prayer?

8) the last word seems to be a priestly revulsion against violence. is it the real last enemy?

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