Monday, November 11, 2013

Devotional Pts. for Week of Nov. 10

Nov. 10-Sunday-Ps 145 is part of the praise psalms that close the psalter’s arrangement of songs to God. Here, we receive the image of God as king. the image is one of power, support,  and justice combined. Generosity to all, to all, living things is highlighted in v. 16, as god’s open hand offers  satisfaction to all.Where have you sensed God’s open hand in your life? where would you like to perceive it more fully?

Monday-I am scheduled for blood work soon. the idea is that it identifies various indicators of potential trouble in the body. What would similar indicators look like for spiritual health, do you think? To me some easy ones would include weekly worship, comfortable level of giving to the church and other causes, and satisfaction with prayer life as a start. i was struck by the high level of demands some folks place on an adequate spiritual life. I guess I lean to the soft level of expectation as Jesus said a small amount of faith is plenty, but Jesus still seeks growth from whatever level we may find ourselves.

Tuesday-We had a meeting last week that looked at three views of the reformed wing of the faith, the American conversionist, the ecumenical, and the rational one. Perhaps many of us are mixtures of all three, where we have adopted American models of what it means to be religious, with a good bit of open-textured faith, and some concern for doctrine thoughtfully and carefully expressed.

Wednesday-I was so glad that some folks looked for Carrie Newcomer lyric sheets for some of her songs. Here’s some from Geodes, that she performed at church recently: “All these things that we call familiar,/Are just miracles clothed in the common place./You’ll see it if you try in the next stranger's eyes,/God walks around in muddy boots,/Sometimes rags and that's the truth.
You can't always tell, but sometimes you just know.”

Thursday-Haggai at first hits the people for not attending to the temple. When it is reconstructed, they “look at it as nothing.” Expectations color the way we perceive almost anything. Sometimes we let the past collor our view of the present too much. sometimes we let the dreams of a brighter future inhibit our enjoyment of today. We judge what happens by the set of expectations we bring to a situation or an event. it seems that we slide more easily to negative evaluations than positive appreciation.

Friday-It hit me that like many males, I look  for a retreat, some solace from the world, in a relationship. so, I resist feeling pressure and expectations in one. I am wondering how much of that seeps into my views of spirituality.the old line was God comforts the afflicted, but god afflicts the comfortable. i yearn for the comfort but I often resist the challenge.

Saturday-We are at a table for trivia night at Knights of Columbus, Godfrey, I to raise funds for research to fight juvenile diabetes.I like to win at it, but I seem to be fairly healthy about it and toss off not knowing whole categories with some ease.It is a good example of something utterly trivial being used toward a noble cause. It is a low pressure way for people to gather around

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