Monday, July 15, 2013

OT Notes Amos 8:1-12

1) What would be some good contemporary alternatives to the ripe fruit?

2) I wonder how much actual impact religious festivals and injunctions had on commerce in this day? why does hte bible have such a concern for proper measures?

3) Do you think we have done things that God will never forget?

4) How do you work through the idea of the environment being linked ot moral uplift or decay?

5) How much does apocalyptic imagery affect you? Do we need to rework it do you think?

6)V. 10 has ritual that would fit mourning or repentance, or both, I suppose.The end of v. 10 is particularly chilling, I think.

7) at the close of the lection, do you think we live in such a time? If so, where?

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Steve Finnell said...

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