Friday, July 12, 2013

OT notes Amos 7:7-17

This is later than usual, I do realize. I helped our daughter move and the time shifted, so I was more confused than usual.

1) Amos, of course moves us to considerations of justice. We may do well to consider the distinction between justice and charity, justice and compassion, justice and love.

2)the famous plumb line is a complete guess on meaning. If you keep it, what are area for you that seem to be out of alignment in contemporary life: public needs, values, odd things taken for granted as shared assumptions

3) The ripostes of Amos and Amaziah are templates for the temptation of religion to appeal to the pwoerful and consensus views.Preachers may be tempted to use this as a cue to berate their people. I wonder if that ever works. I wonder where we come off as if we are above their petty concerns, when it really means we disagree or hold their view in derision.

4) before going off on a justice tear, please note that the passage is focused on idolatry.In cultural terms, what is idolatrous in our time?

3) look at the linkage of worship and jsutice here. I sthat noticeable in our time?

4) the word is harsh here. Most mainline churches avoid such language now. How do you work with it?

5) does rhetorical condemnation and threat work as a tactic for change?

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