Friday, April 20, 2012

I John 3:16-24 notes

1) Love in v. 16 is defined as a remarkable capacity of self-giving or martyrdom, or the comradeship of the battlefield. 2) v. 17 is a direct shot at the resumption of the greed is good notion, or a return to the Social Darwinism earlier in the 20th century that seems to be in ascendance. It also applies to the conditions/structures of justice, not just charity or philanthropy. 3)Again, how do you react to little children.what would be a less annoying equivalent in today's time? the linkage of faith and action certainly corresponds to James. 4)Notice that love is the standard of judgment by god. Notice too that John has boldness and reassurance, not guilt and shame. God rises above condemnation, especially self-condemnation. 5) v. 23 is John's golden rule. 6)The dense nature of abiding in this letter is exemplified by v. 24.we may disentangle this thicket, or we could emphasize its interconnected, communal, entwined nature, a good antidote to our rampant individualism.

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