Monday, April 9, 2012

I John 1-2:2

1) Since the lectionary avoids the OT after Easter, I suppose I will work with I John. The word of life reminds me of John Paul II’s culture of life. A book on John’s gospel by is called Word of Life. from the same phrase sprinkled through that gospel (1:4, 14, :6, 11:25) .
2) Notice the link of fellowship with others and with God.
3) What odes it mean say God is light? How could scientific advances give us more images here? (Think photons, big bang, spectral analysis) It easily moves into a nimbic, glorified, reverent sense as well. That is a sense that is often studiously avoided in my experience.
4) How could one put some concrete examples around walking in darkness v. walking in the light.? Isn’t his underlying our polarized politics? T what degree is this amplified by the poles of truth and lie?
5) How would you explain how blood cleanses?
6) v. 8, 10 are a direct hit on sin, even if we avoid even the word in polite company. Should worship services always have a confession of sin?
7) v. 9 how do you square being just and faithful with forgiveness and cleansing. Take a moment with cleansing. It carries an old cultural code of sin as stain, individual and communal, no? Sin here is hamartia=missing the mark.
8)How do you react to little children language in 2:1?
9) How do you imagine Jesus as an advocate? the word is paraclete, counselor, advocate, helper, attorney/spokesperson
10)atoning sacrifice/propitiation is a fairly rare term in the NT, ilasmos.
11) How is this atonement for the whole world do you think?

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