Friday, April 20, 2012

I John 3:1-7 notes

1) This apparently did not post correctly, so back at it. Look carefully at what he means children of God. Work on ways of speaking about it and its impact. 2) Note well that we can an element of theosis here, something being discussed more in Protestant circles, but the Orthodox family has examined it for quite some time. (theology today has had a number of articles on it over the years) 3)Sin here is difficult. The word, harmatia+=missing the mark but the verb has a sense of doing, putting that into practice. How could that be, given its meaning of missing the mark. would one deliberately miss the mark? Harmatia sounds more like incapacity or built-in limitation more than choice to me. 4) How can missing the mark be lawless, a direct translation, or perhaps not lawful.In European classic sociology, anomie means normless, at sea. So perhaps it could be termed without law, lacking law/direction/standards/guidance. To what degree does this fit our 21st Century context? 5)v.6 is quite strong. it pushes us to consider the depth of abiding in the Revealed One the One who takes away sin. Again, notice the linkage of sin as having blind spots/ignorance toward the reality of Jesus. 6) I hear a lot that people who do wrong say they are still a good person. john seems to have no patience for that. If you do good, you are good, if you don;'t you're not,.Character is revealed by behavior.

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