Friday, November 11, 2016

Week of Nov. 6 Devotional Pts

Sunday-Ps.145-is one of the great praise hymns. Verses 8 and 9 are recapitulations of God’s identity form Ex. 34. The remainder is a great evocation of the compassionate active god. Write your own praise psalm today with this as a template.

Monday-In the ancient Celtic imagination, this was considered to be a "thin time" when the veil between heaven and earth grew more transparent and the wisdom of our ancestors was closer to us. We are reassured that we are not alone, that we share the world with a great "cloud of witnesses" and "communion of saints" just across the veil. These next several days are a threshold space and in thresholds we are closer to the other world which is always here. The communal honoring of the dead continues for the whole month of November.

Tuesday- Daniel 7-Daniel isn't sure what to make of this terrifying and confusion vision, so he asks an "attendant" who helps make the message clear.Who are your "attendants"? Who helps give you a sense of clarity in your life? Who is present with you as you sort out your faith and what it means for your life? As we celebrate this holy night and the approaching All Saints Day, how can you honor those who have been and are "attendants" in your life?Amanda Kempthorne,
Wednesday-Luke 18:9-14-Comparing yourself to someone else is usually not very helpful. Sometimes we do it without even realizing it. Jesus' parable calls us out on this behavior, helping us realize what we are doing, what we are thinking and how we are viewing others. This passage is just a few verses long but truly they have a depth of meaning which can lead us into better relationships and a healthier frame of mind. It takes work on our part to realize what it is we are doing. This is not something that will happen in a moment, but by may take us some time to realize, adjust and, by God's grace, change to reflect the likeness of God.
Thursday-Hold plans and expectations lightly and notice where your energy and prayer are taking you and being fluid like the element of water.  It means being open to the subtle ways that God shapes and transforms us moment by moment, listening deeply for the call of the Spirit leading us forward into our lives.Abbey of the Arts

Friday-"From ev'ry bliss that earth imparts we turn, unfilled, to hear your call." St. Augustine made the same point in his Confessions: "You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you." We long for so much, and much of what we yearn for is good: purpose, direction, relationships. But finally even such good things are among the treasures moth and rust consume and thief breaks in to steal. We remain restless, unfilled, longing for what we know not. We remain unfilled until the one we were made for, the one who would share with us all that he is and has, finds us.God Pause

Saturday- “The creation of the world did not take place once and for all time, but takes place every day.” ― Samuel Beckett, Proust

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