Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sermon Notes for Christ the King Sunday

Nov. 20 Lk.1:68. Col. 1:11-20 Lk. 23:33-43
2 different views of Christ the king in Luke-I like the long prayer of Zechariah after he has been mute for so long when he questioned the birth of his son in old age. When he speaks he speaks words of blessing tender mercy peace-Mute Zechariah regains his power of speech, and he uses it as a blessing on the future and the realization of hopes so old that they had been forgotten or dismissed. When Zechariah envisions god’s reign it is one of light and peace and that great old phrase tender mercy/tender compassion.

Christian revelation sees Christ at the center of the world.Colossians is the astonishing entry of a cosmic christ for a small group.Sally Brown :the cosmic, creation-centered Christology of the first set of claims (verses 15-17). t all created derive from him their coherence. Notably, we find here no mention of a "fall" or of creation corrupted; there is only the allusion to powers of darkness from which humanity is liberated. All the emphasis falls on the claim that creation makes sense because of the Son; and this has been true from before the beginning of time. This must shape our attitude toward creation as well as persons of other faiths. Their fulfillment, like ours, flows from the firstborn of creation. Christ as glue as coherence hold the world together The parallel structures of verses 15 and 18 imply that the resurrection initiates a new creation. The Church, the Son's body, is the agent of reconciliation, declaring to the whole created order its emancipation from the powers of darkness. image/icon of god-fullness is a word easily missed in this cascade of titles and powers

If God is in control, God needs a new map and plan. God and control and in charge-see recent posting see PODs No matter what good or bad decisions leaders or nations make, the Church believes that Christ will not stop working until all creation has been redeemed. it is in this sense that we can say "God is in control." God will not quit until he has brought all things to his glorious conclusion. But that is different than saying, "God is controlling all things." God does not seem to be a divine dictator. God will use events and respond to them. see God’s Power certain things cannot be done-square circle- in control is kicking tyranny upstairs-look Jesus went to trial-the judge of all went to capital punishment at the hands of an oppressive regime Does God dominate or does God care for God empowers God shares power -power of divine love power in divine different in degree and kind from our view of power god’s power and loving purposes enacted If we call it god’s plan or God is in control, we are in the same place God works through mediating people and organizations.
Instead God is free to act as God may desire in the steadfast love that defines the divine. God seems to love surprises. For Christians this would mean that Jesus of nazareth carried the hopes and fears of all the years in his life. Instead of elevating him on earth, he lived a humble life. Elevation is made clear only after the vindication of resurrection and ascension.
Communion and different royal feast small gifts contain a world, they are shared-they are doubly transformed-god’s power is through more than over. God’s power is less coercive than an invitation to join in.Animating power, life giving power energizing power, power of the Spirit that does indeed pervade all of creation. Jesus is the image of the invisible god, and in this service that love is physical as we participate in communion.

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