Friday, November 11, 2016

Reflection Points Week of Nov. 13

Sunday-Is. 12 is the reading instead of a psalm today. They may be ancient hymn pieces. Work with verse 3 and consider other ways to phrase it.

Monday-“Prayer is not just about finding happiness – although certainly joy is often a fruit of prayer – but also about allowing the full range of ourselves to have voice.”
Tuesday- Being fluid like the element of water  means being open to the subtle ways that God shapes and transforms us moment by moment, listening deeply for the call of the Spirit leading us forward into our lives.  In our prayer, being organic means trusting what is emerging.  Trusting that what comes next will be revealed in its own time." -- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

Wednesday-When we make a good marriage with time . . . whatever sanity, patience, generosity, and creative genius we are able to achieve in life is not solely within our own remit.   . . .The closer we are to the productions of time--that is, to the eternal--the more easily we understand the particular currents we must navigate on any given day . . . If we want to understand the particulars of our reality, we must understand the way we conduct our daily relationship with the hours.---David Whyte, "Crossing the Unknown S
Thursday-The clock with its forced march is not the only marker of time. Our calendars with their five and ten year strategic plans rob us of our future. The rising and setting of the sun, the expansion and contraction of the moon, the ripening and releasing of the seasons, these all mark a different quality of time and invite us into a deepened and renewed way of being. Abbey of the Arts

Friday-Sacred time is what we experience when we step outside the quick flow of life and luxuriate, as it were, in a realm where there is enough of everything, where we are not trying to fill a void in ourselves or the world, where we exist for a moment at both the deepest and the loftiest levels of our existence and participate in the eternal life of all that is. Prayer, meditation, religious rituals, and holy days provided gateways into eternity that allowed us to return to the world of daily time refreshed and renewed, with an understanding that beneath the busyness of daily life there was an underpinning of calm, peace, and sufficiency. Gary Eberle

Saturday-Scripture tells us: "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." My friends, let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary. Let us not lose heart. For there are more seasons to come and there is more work to do. – Hillary R. Clinton

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