Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reflection Pts for Week of June 10

Sunday-June 10-Ps.138 is not in my ever-failing memory bank. I like its line (v.3) you have increased my strength of soul. Where is your soul weak or strong?

Monday-Philip Britts-Sonnet I-How often do we miss the fainter note/Or fail to see the more exquisite hue,Blind to the tiny streamlet at our feet,/Eyes fixed upon some other, further view./What chimes of harmonies escape our ears,/How many rainbows must elude our sight,/We see a field but do not see the grass,/Each blade a miracle of shade and light. /How then to keep the greater end in eye/And watch the sunlight on the distant peak,/And yet not tread on any leaf of love,/Nor miss a word the eager children speak?/Ah, what demand upon the narrow heart,To seek the whole, yet not ignore the part./1947

Tuesday-Thresholds can be uneasy places, often frightening. They demand that we step across to a place and way of being different than what we have accepted until now. They demand that we awaken, again and again, to all the ways we allow ourselves to fall asleep." -- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

Wednesday-Jim Forest-Humility is not a denial of my value as a human being but rather seeing myself in relationship to God. Humility results from being in a state of gratitude rather than envy, resentment, or bitterness. Do I boast about myself? Do I respect others? Do I listen with attention and a readiness to learn? Do I resent good advice? Do I accept correction with gratitude? Or do I defend myself even when I am in the wrong?
Thursday-Peace is Shalom - well-being of mind, heart, and body, individually and communally. It can exist in the midst of a war-torn world, even in the midst of unresolved problems and increasing human conflicts. Jesus made that peace by giving his life for his brothers and sisters. This is no easy peace, but it is everlasting and it comes from God. Are we willing to give our lives in the service of peace?

Friday-“Carolyn Wiley of Roosevelt University reviewed four similar studies of employee motivation conducted in 1946, 1980, 1986, and 1992. In each of the studies, employees were asked to rate the factors that motivated them. Popular answers included ‘interesting work,’ ‘job security,’ ‘good wages,’ and ‘feeling of being in on things.’ Across the studies, which spanned 46 years, only one factor was cited every time as among the top two motivators: ‘full appreciation of work done.’

Saturday-Abbey of the Arts-How many times in our lives do we reach out our hands for a particular purpose, and something else arrives? It is something that may cause discomfort, something we may want to pull away from, but in our wiser moments we know that this is a holy gift we are invited to receive.

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