Friday, March 24, 2017

Points for Reflection-Week of March 26

3/26-Sunday-Ps.23 is a prayer many know by heart. While it is often read at committal services around here, it seems to fit most circumstances. Today, wi the other passages for liturgy, consider how it uses light and dark sight and inability to see as  controlling images for the prayer.

Monday-“Mindfulness is the opposite of multitasking, where we do several things at once and usually none of them well. When we are mindful we have the opportunity to focus on one thing or task at a time in order to appreciate the moment.--- Christine Valters Paintner

Tuesday-Brian Shivers-let us be people of wells, not walls, bridges not trenches; tables not fences; toward not from; with not against; together not separate of  people let us be…

Wednesday-"The abyss of God's love is deeper than the abyss of death. And she who overcomes her fear of death lives as though death were a past and not a future experience." (William Sloane Coffin)

Thursday-Why do we work so hard to resist our tears? Jesus wept. . . . The Hebrew Scriptures are filled with this prayer of crying out to God. Lament gives form and voice to our grief, a space to wail and name what is not right in the world in the context of prayer.”-- Christine Valters Paintner

Friday-With wide-embracing love Thy spirit animates eternal years Pervades and broods above, Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates and rears
Though earth and moon were gone And suns and universes ceased to be And Thou wert left alone Every Existence would exist in thee There is not room for Death Nor atom that his might could render void Since thou art Being and Breath And what thou art may never be destroyed. Emily Bronte

Saturday-We believe that the divine presence is everywhere, and that the eyes of the Lord are in every place. ... but most of all should we believe this without any shadow of doubt, when we are engaged in the work of God." [David Parry,

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