Saturday, March 11, 2017

Devotional Pts. for Week of March 12

Sunday-Ps.121 is  one of the great prayers. It fits the readings today  as it features  light. It connects fear, I think, with being in the dark. Where does darkness descend like a pall over you? When does light dispel it?

Monday-A morning prayer from “Celtic Benediction” by J. Philip Newell – March 1-With the rising of the sun life rises again within me, O God.In the dawning of the morning light you lead me from the mists of the night into the clarity of the day.In the new light of this day bring me to a clearer knowing of the mystery that first bore me from the dark.Bring me to a clearer knowing of the love from which all life in born.

Tuesday-"There is a story from the Desert Fathers where an Abba says to a seeker, 'Do not give your heart to that which does not satisfy your heart.'

Wednesday-Just as spring follows winter, we feel the first unstoppable quickening beneath the ground. Something good is awakening, opening up and out of the dark days of winter. Can you feel it. Can you believe it, even now in the beautiful soon, but not yet? Something of health, light and life is calling us forth, back into "doing" but with a renewed and deeper sense of "being", direction and purpose.The Beautiful Not Yet" was co-written by Carrie Newcomer and Chloe Grace Caemmerer

Thursday-Charles Allen-O God, you have been moving around and through and ahead of us long before we ever noticed, undoing every image we have used to confine you. Open us, in this season of letting go, to what our minds can never encompass, that we may rediscover the self-giving way of Jesus as our way and your way together. Amen

Friday-statio, which is the commitment to stop one thing before beginning another. Imagine that instead of rushing from one appointment to the next you pause between each one and breathe just five long, slow breaths."Abbey of the Arts

Saturday-It is the strange paradox that our work is something we do; yet it is only a manifestation of God's work in us, expressed in the Latin koan: orare est laborare est orare... to pray is to work is to pray....Ira Kent Groff

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