Friday, February 10, 2017

Week of Feb. 12 Reflections

Sunday-Ps.119:1-8 is today’s selection from that long prayer on God’s torah, teaching, direction. It realizes that we seem to be unable to follow those dictates toward a full life. What teaching from Scripture has added to your happiness?

Monday-Jinkins-One of my all-time favorite plays is Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Since first seeing the play, my respect for Williams' understanding of the corrosiveness of mendacity has only grown. For Williams, lies are a vile and ugly violation of everything that promises life and the possibility of love. Indeed, for Williams, mendacity is the language and tool of death, a malignant tumor eating away at all human relationships that indulge in it. Unless the lies are exposed, cut away and burned out whenever they appear, unless the body politic learns to attack the cells of duplicity and dishonesty within it every time they return, mendacity will threaten our society's life and future. What is really required is a social body with a robust enough immune system that it can discern and resist the empty promises of untruth.

Tuesday-"We each have a choice each moment in time. We can choose whether to meet ourselves with hospitality and kindness, we can choose to inhabit our feelings or to numb ourselves and let them become frozen inside of us." Abbey of the arts

Wednesday-The word “imbolc” means “in the belly.”  The earth’s belly is beginning to awaken, new life is stirring, seeds are sprouting forth.  In many places the ground is still frozen or covered with snow, but the call now is tend to those very first signs of movement beneath the fertile ground.  What happens when you listen ever so closely in the stillness?  What do you hear beginning to emerge?What new seeds are stirring deep in your belly?

Thursday-"There is a sacramental quality to this greening life force [viriditas] because it calls us to discover God at work in all of the world and not reject anything as beyond the realm of God’s presence.".--- Christine Valters Paintner

Friday-When it comes to the church's side of the 'mystical union' with Christ, then, 'God with us' [Immanuel] means 'God with us in the flesh.' Through him, intimacy with God is possible for human beings. 'Christ shares in flesh and blood,' and therefore is 'comrade and partner in the same nature with us'. ...  [T]his intimate, embodied, 'mutual connection' is sacramentally - that is, practically and paradigmatically- realized in the 'Sacred Supper.'"(Boulton, Life in God, p. 132.)

Saturday-Stanley Hauerwas writes, "For it is my belief that there is no more powerful response to totalitarians than to take time to reclaim life from their power. By refusing to let them claim every aspect of our life as politically significant, we create the space and time that makes politics humane.

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