Friday, November 6, 2015

Pts. to Ponder for week of Nov. 8

Sunday-Ps.127-speaks of eating the bread of anxious toil. Few of us eat bread of toil without anxiety. further it goes on to offer the gift of sleep to God’;s beloved., or that God provides for the beloved during sleep. Sleep is a mini-sabbath. somehow the world rotates and revolves without us being awake.

Monday-“To suppose that a direct road leads from art, or morals, or science or even from religion to God is sentimental liberal self-deception.” K. Barth Epistle to the Romans p. 337.

Tuesday-As is well known, the most persistent heresy battled by the early church was one or another form of gnosticism, the belief that the physical world is evil and deficient and that salvation (for the soul alone) can be achieved by grasping the right gnosis or knowledge. The late modern fetishism of information (i.e., knowledge), along with imaginings of the consciousness escaping into virtual reality or a sophisticated computer, is a contemporary form of gnosticism. For gnosticism, sin is a “fall” of the soul or consciousness into the imprisoning body. In this view the body is a cage of mere “meat” that might be jettisoned to great advantage. The body and soul are not integral: the body is not essential to personhood....Rodney Clapp, Tortured Wonders,

Wednesday-"Let all creation help you to praise God. Give yourself the rest you need. When you are walking alone, listen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, the sun and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to proclaim the greatness of the one who has given them being."
— St. Paul of the Cross

Thursday-...the heart is like a castle that we must keep and that, in spite of all its splendor, is “drafty with lonely.” Left on our own, “this heart is too hard to heat.You can seal up the pain, build walls in the hallways,Close off a small room to live in.But those walls will remain, and keep you there always And you’ll never know why you were given the lonely. David Wilcox

Friday-When you discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life."---Jean Shinoda Bolen-During this beautiful season of autumn, do you think maybe we should make room for a tree or two? Macrina Wiederkehr
Saturday-“The sacred scriptures offer wisdom across time and space, meeting us in each moment of our lives.”--- Christine Valters Paintner,

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