Thursday, November 19, 2015

Devotional Pts for week of Nov. 15

Sunday-Psalm for the day is replaced with Hannah’s song in I Sam. 2:1-10. I tis a precursor to Mary;s great hymn, the Magnificat. Notice how seamlessly they both move from personal experience to being representatives of a new social order. When do you notice such an appeal to justice in your own prayer life?

Monday-Mark 12:38-44 What owns you? What do you own? There are many things in our lives to which this aphorism might apply: "_____ is a great servant but a bad master." I might frequently fill in the blank with things like money, habits, food, etc. What is there in your life or ministry which presently needs to be reoriented to the place of a servant rather than a master? Are we aware of our capacity to let go, and then allow what we release and commend to God to truly usher in God's Kingdom? God of all provision, help us see our intentions as sacred possibilities that we may abide in the fullness of contributing to your work in this world through the labors of our hands. Amen. Russell Britton

Tuesday-Romans 3:19-28In a world where we are constantly evaluated, for us to         
continually hear the gospel message of grace as in today's reading from Romans is a must. From a very early age we are measured and evaluated; it doesn't take long before we are able to offer those words of critique to ourselves, almost without being prompted. In so many ways, often times without even being aware of it, we are met with messages that seek to assess our worth through grades, relationships, body image, fashion, or even others' opinions. In this world, it is vital to hear a word of grace. Even as adults, we may have become so calloused that, if we do not hear a word of grace, soon even our self-talk becomes tainted with how we measure up. It is at times like this that I need to hear, "[we] are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." The final word for us is not all those other messages that seek to critique, but we our God's Word of grace in Christ Jesus. We are enough because Jesus declares it to be so. From God Pause

Wednesday-Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”
— Karl A. Menninger

Thursday-"True detachment means that I don’t over-identify with any emotion that flows through me. I allow myself to experience it, but I recognize that the emotion does not define who I am."--- Christine Valters Paintner,

Friday-"O hard heart ... why do you rejoice and laugh like a madman in the midst of such misery while the Wisdom of the Father weeps over you?"Miroslav Volf
Saturday-Psalm 146 What verbs would describe the ways you experience God at   work in your life of faith at the present time? Verses seven and eight suggests some words to capture God's engagement in our world--God sets, opens, lifts, loves and watches. Today in the United States elections are taking place which will simultaneously excite and disappoint people of good mind, heart and conviction. How will God show forth through what is enacted this day? R. Britton

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