Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Week of May 31 devotional points

Sunday-Ps. 29 features God the creator as part of Trinity sunday. It probably is a reshaped prayer from the religion that used the stories of Baal, and to me has an ancient sense. How would you write this psalm with 21st century words from science?

Monday-One of the most significant chant settings is only five lines long, but is filled with hope and faith,titled "In the Lord I'll be Ever Thankful." At Taize it is sung repeatedly from memory, in many languages by people from many cultures, and followed by silence. Sometimes it is part of worship at which thousands of young adults hold lit candles in silence in the presence of the mystery we call God. Don Rudrud

Tuesday-To be fully human and alive is to know the tension of our dustiness, our mortality, to be called to a profoundly healthy humility where we acknowledge that we can know very little of the magnificence of the divine Source of all. .. Pentecost is a story of the courage that comes from breaking established boundaries.We may limit our vision through cynicism, but equally through certainty or cleverness. Sometimes we fear doubt so much that we allow it to make our thoughts rigid, we choose certainties and then never make space for the Spirit to break those open or apart. The things we feel sure that God does not care about may be precisely the source of healing for a broken world.(Abbey for the Arts)

Wednesday-The dove descending breaks the air/With flame of incandescent terror/ Of which the tongues declare/The one discharge from sin and error./The only hope, or else despair/Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre- /To be redeemed from fire by fire./Who then devised the torment? Love./Love is the unfamiliar Name/Behind the hands that wove/The intolerable shirt of flame/Which human power cannot remove./We only live, only suspire/Consumed by either fire or fire.” ― T.S. Eliot,
Thursday-PRAYER POEM: "THE SPARK" Pay attention. Because any moment can create/the spark that lights the long, slow fuse to liberate/your own novocained soul,/your dysfunctional family system,/this half conscious nation,/this swiftly tilting planet.Ira Kent Groff
Friday-God loves us in our incomplete humanity even though we are always running away trying to rid ourselves of defects, wounds and brokenness. If we could only see that God is there in the cracks of our splintered human lives we would already be healed." —Ilia Delio, The Humility of God
Saturday-Sometimes, I get quite productive right before I leave for a trip. Deadlines have a way of giving focus.I wonder if I can use that realization in ways helpful to spiritual practices? How can I learn to procrastinate less in actively pursuing spiritual practices?

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