Monday, June 29, 2015

Week of June 28 devotion pts

Sunday- Ps. 130 is one of the great laments. Who hasn’t been in the depths: illness, despair, in the middle of a difficult situation? It starts with the humility of knowing that all separate from God’s way. What depths drive you to prayer? What depths do you hope prayer can uncover and help you to discern?

Monday-Dear Lord, it is scary when I don't understand. It is unsettling when I feel out of control, or actually am out of control. I don't want to hurt. I don't want my friends to hurt. Especially today, I don't want  ___ to hurt. They are on my mind. I care. Don't you? I mean, I know you care—but I don't understand. Calm the winds of my fear and the waves of their distress. Please. In Jesus' name. Amen.Dave Brauer-Rieke

Tuesday-It's been said, "The Sabbath represents an oasis in time as Eden is an oasis in space." Nothing can be more important than creating a time and place soul renewal. Then amazingly, prayer can happen in all times and all places."Ponder: What spaces or places renew your soul? "To catch one's breath" is one meaning of the Hebrew word Shabbat. Which day of the week is "sabbath" for you? How do you experience its communal dimensions? How do you incorporate mini-sabbath spaces into your daily routines. Ira Kent Groff
Wednesday (from Abbey of the Arts) We often think of these in-between times as wasted moments and inconveniences, rather than opportunities to return again and again, to awaken to the gifts right here, not the ones we imagine waiting for us beyond the next door. But what if we built in these thresholds between our daily activities, just for a few minutes to intentionally savor silence and breath?
Thursday- Can you celebrate what God has done? Can you be loud and shameless, joy-filled and jubilant? Can you take the time to notice that God has been busy—do you have time to dance? Thank you, O God, for those healing touches and resurrection moments you offer. Teach us the bold joy of noisy rejoicing, and prepare us for your boisterous resurrection party that exceeds imagination! Amen.Chris Kramer
Friday-I am interested in the powerful response to the new animated movie, Inside Out. It explores the workings of the emotional life of an 11 year old girl whose family has moved.It centers on the role of joy and sadness in life. It has a focus on whether joy can seek to ostracize other emotions in life. It welcomes, as does Paul in his view of the body of christ, the complex interplay of different elements for the whole to flourish.
Saturday- We saw Love and Mercy recently, on the Beach Boys leader, Brian Wilson. It shows  his musical ability even as he struggled with the beginnings of serious mental illness, and it could not have been helped with the use of drugs and alcohol. He has not found full healing, but he has continued his life in the last twenty years. May mental healing be granted to many others.

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