Sunday, June 22, 2014

Gen. 21 Hagar Sermon Notes and PCUSA

June 22, Gen. 21
I love Genesis because the family stories are so good. this one shows the immense capacity for our Jewish writers at self-criticism that points to human nature. A fundamental piece of belief was that israel gained identity being freed from slavery in Egypt. Here, the see of all jews, Abraham and Sarah, have an Egyptian slave. she is mistreated, and the word used is exactly the same one to describe the misery of the slavery in Egypt. Slavery hardens the heart of Sarah, just as it hardens the heart of the Egyptian ruler remember Sarah’s name means female ruler, princess or queen, or mistress).Slavery condemns the slave to a brutal life, but it infects the slo7ul of those who claim to own another as mere property.Hagar would be related to flight in Hebrew.

The issue of infertility and multiple wives also stalks this passage. Hagar has already been sent out into the desert to die, but God saves her with a miraculous water, just as water from the rock saved the freed people. Now Sarah has the miracle child of their old age. She cannot stand that Hagar’s son, the eldest, is playing with, laughing with, or making laugh,or teasing, or imitating young Isaac. She wants them both dead. This Scripture realizes that surrogacy causes issues in families. Multiple spouses cause issues Playing favorites is a problem. Adopting new methods for new situations is never easy.

do not be afraid-The word is for casting into a grave-he is already half dead..god hears the voice of the boy.Again the story has hope in a well and a wife., those combined elements in the ancient scenes.Weaning is a big step. In our time, some folks are extending the period of breast milk quite a while. Has her fear prevented her from seeing the well? Notice in htis early foundational story, god saves the Egyptian and her son.Already familie sof the earht are being touched through Abraham.So often we try to cast folks nto the outer darkness in our lives, maybe especially in divorce or in that cruel act of unfriending in Facebook.

Hagar cannot stand to see the child suffering and dying, cannot look into his eyes.God sees and hears and assesses the situation. How is this story linked to the terrible next story of the aqedah? In succession,  Abraham faces the death of his two sons.At least he is promised that Ishmael will beocme a great nation.

Hagar and Ishmael survive. when Abraham dies, the brothers meet up for the funeral. Their descendants still fight over the tomb of the patriarch and matriarch.
We call the church family. At our best, it welcomes others into the fold. At its worst, we import our family dysfunctions into its processes and attitudes. Once again we had our great family conference in Detroit for the past week or so. Again, some are delighted by some of the rulings and appalled by others. Far too often we announce a divorce or exile over a single issue and lose a sense of loyalty, of sticking within the tent. Even when a family is riven or is threatened by dissolution and exile, we are told to not be afraid. United in christ, animated by the spirit of life and unity,we continue to build a new future under that divine watchful, caring, eye.

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