Sunday, June 29, 2014

Devotional Notes Week of June 29

Sunday-Ps. 13 is my go to psalm as an example of a lament psalm. It’s short, and it ends on an upbeat note, as do most lament prayers in that great prayer book for us. Please consider using this simple pattern as a way to structure prayer when in hard times. Prayers do not always have to be spontaneous. The Spirit works through pattern as well. why not utilize the spiritual gifts we are given through the ages?

Monday-When it comes to hymns in general, I have often found the second and third verses to be especially meaningful, or even better than the first. In this familiar and beloved hymn that is certainly true for me. The writer, H. Percy Smith, captures the sentiment that I often feel when I am lacking inspiration. When I have difficulty in the creative endeavor, when I am stymied by lack of creative energy, or I cannot glean anything of substance from a particular passage of scripture, I am "slow to heart." (From God Pause)

Tuesday-This is why we journey:/to retrieve our lost intimacy with the world,/every creature a herald of poems/that sleep in streams and stones.
“Missing you” scrawled on a postcard sent home,/but you don't follow with/"wish you were here."
This is a voyage best made alone.---Christine Valters Paintner

Wednesday-The Blessings of Jesus
Blessed are those who know their need for theirs is the grace of heaven.-Blessed are those who weep for their tears will be wiped away. Blessed are the humble for they are close to the sacred earth.-Blessed are those who hunger for earth’s oneness for they will be satisfied.-Blessed are the forgiving for they are free.-Blessed are the clear in heart for they see the Living Presence.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they are born of God.-John Philip Newell

Thursday-The mind plays tricks on us. I was at a restaurant and the waitress filled my diet coke glass with iced tea.I knew that the drink was different but had no notion why.Soemtimes the frame makes the picture.It has been shown that different languages create different capaciyties to work with ideas. When we expect something to appear, we assume that it will and have to search to come up with an alternative. Think of prayer as different ways of coming at our spirutal needs.

Friday-”holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Why do we wish to nurture grudges like fragile blooms? Why is it so hard ot let go of the pain of hurt? Why do we think that a grudge does not poison us or our relationships?

Saturday-You spread out the dazzling canopy of the heavens-and established the deep foundations of the earth;-you lifted up mountains and hills, high and stately,-and poured out oceans and rivers, flowing free.(Presbyterians for Earth care) So many of us find traces of god’s handiwork in the beauty of creation. Consider writing a similar prayer piece for where you live.

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