Tuesday, April 29, 2014

OT Notes Ps 116:1-4, 12-19

1) it is surprising but the phrase I love the Lord does not appear very often in Scripture. That itself could be a good sermon starter.Note similarity and difference with Ps. 18. Incline the ear is an interesting way of saying listen. That sense of divine attention could be a good start too.
2) The love is a response to God's activity, so this truly is a thanks/gratitude hymn
3) The name of the Lord seems to be a later way of speaking of god. Why? It could be an entry pt. for the power of the name.So some folks speak of God as the Name, Ha Shem.
4)the OT rarely speaks of anything approaching heaven, but it does mention Sheol, both as a shadowy afterlife but as a way of speaking of the grave, or the valley of the shadow.
5)12-14 seem to be a liturgical response to God's goodness. In our time, we seem to downplay liturgy, especially corporate liturgy. This could be a time to look back to the sacrifice in Exodus and Numbers.What would you make as a thanksgiving liturgy and action if you were given the opportunity?
6) This could read as if God finds death precious. i would read it that god sees us as so precious as to protect us from death. Another way is that God takes the precious death of precious ones seriously indeed.
7) I find the phrasing for your servant to be quite moving.
8)Have you ever made a vow to God?

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