Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holy Week OT Readings

I always forget that the lectionary switches to Acts in Easter season.Nonetheless, we do have Is.25 for Easter evening readings. We have a number of Psalms for this great week, and of course, a vast panoply of salvation history readings in the Holy Saturday vigil.

Is. 25:6-9 is referenced in Rev. 7 and 21. We are in an apocalyptic section of the book, and I am not sold on dating chs.24-7.If one wishes to touch on the powerful image of Death's power being defeated at Easter, this is a fine passage to capture its mythic dimensions.

Death is usually portrayed as swallowing up life, so I love the reversal here.

Where does a shroud lie over us now within the culture of death as John Paul II put it?

How does Easter reflect this wonderful banquet. I love the old image of fat things for those of us raised that fat was always hazardous, thereby depriving ourselves of wondrous food.

Work with the image of God wiping away tears from our eyes. Notice that it does not eliminate the cause of tears, perhaps especially in memory. Wiping away tears usually stops them though. How can Easter serve to wipe away tears?

In a time when formal worship is derided, note where this scene takes place.

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