Saturday, February 15, 2014

Devotional Notes Week of Feb. 16

Sunday- Ps.119:1-8 is the longest psalm and is about in the middle of many Bibles. It is a long meditation on God’s law, God’s teaching for us to live fully and well. No, it is decidedly not a hymn to religious ritualism. It is a hymn to how the very heart of God is exposed in teaching and divine revelation. What religious teaching is central to you? What lies at the core of your beliefs?What offers such richness that you can return to its truth endlessly?

Monday-It is in the depths of life that we find you/at the heart of this moment/at the center of our soul/deep in the earth and its eternal stirrings./You are the Ground of all being/the Well-Spring of time/Womb of the earth/the Seed-Force of stars./And so at the opening of this day/we wait not for blessings from afar/but for You/the very Soil of our soul/the early freshness of morning/the first Breath of day.(John Philip Newell)

Tuesday-I am working on two small and off putting books in the corpus of the Book of the Twelves, Nahum and Obadiah. Revenge is featured in both. Why does revenge have such a grip on our daydreams and emotions? Why is it so easy to talk ourselves out of forgiving but not so with revenge?

Wednesday-From Abbey of the Arts “if we are to pray from the heart...if your heart is full of bitterness, pray it to its last dregs...pray (any feeling) of the heart into the quiet hands that can hold it like the small bird it is.” I refer a lot to anything can be safely placed in an envelope of prayer, and this part of a poem certainly fits that mold. What are some negative emotions that oculd well be placed into the  prayer that needs to be mentioned and released?

Thursday-Saw the French/Iranian movie, the Past on Sunday. A well-constructed family drama, it keeps adding detail as you watch the interactions of the characters.I was taken by how small acts are read \differently by those involved and how much we read into them. It is also good on showing how we react without much thought and how we little realize why a button is being pushed. Human relations live in a slough of memory and hope and expectations.

Friday- “Thanks be to you, O God.That there are ways of seeing and sensitivities of knowing
hidden deep in the palace of the soul,waiting to be discovered,ready to be set free, thanks be to you.”.(John Philip Newell) In the new Sherlock, he has a mind palace that allows him to access his prodigious memory and to place different bits of data together.If you use htis image, where would your prayer room be and what would it look like?

Saturday-When I was young we celebrated Washington’s birthday as a separate commemoration.While a member of the vestry at his church, he does not strike me as a particularly orthodox Christian, but he was insistent on the ide ao fDivine Providence.I wish to n mark his constant attention to his character and his pulbic image. At the close of his life, he worked carefully within the diffiuclt laws of the stat eof Virginia to manage to free his slavers.

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