Monday, December 30, 2013

OT Notes Jer.31:7-14

I find this to be an extraordinarily rich collection of material. It matters not to gowith epiphany themesorthe regular reading forsunday.

1) Here we have the homecoming theme. N.T. Wright does interesting things with this theme by applying it to Jesus as Messiah as in Jesus and the Victory of God and elsewhere.

2) the remnant theme too is involved here. It could be a way to approach small if beautiful,or a look at restoration and rebuilding.

3) We hear echoes of Is. 35 and 42 in v.8. Why do you think these groupings were made?

4)V. 9 has fairly rare father language here. Ephraim was one of Joseph's children and its tribal allotment was good.

5)  The word consolations hit me this time.What sort of consolations mean the most and least to you? Comfort appears in v. 13.What is the difference in the two words?

6_at11-what does redemption seem to mean here? How close is it to a ransom? If so, to whom?

7)Singing is repeated in this passage.One could do some innovative things here in the liturgy.Also dancing appears and reminds one of the psalm where mourning is turned to dancing. In our culture we seem to want to require that the transformation happens swiftly. What is your take on that?

8) how is one radiant in the goodness of God?(v.12)

9) I love the line to be like a watered garden,please consider working with that image.Also, one could do well comparing it to languishing in the next line.

10) With all of the diets now, ,talking of fatness in v.14 could be well-received

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