Monday, June 24, 2013

OT Notes 2 Kings 2

1) This is a great place to talk about legacy. I remember a scene from Family ties when the father talks to Alex about not wanting to work with his father. So many people feel guilty about not wanting to stay with the family firm or to depart from the plans parents have for them.Sometimes the mantle does not fit us, and sometimes it is a perfect fit without an alteration needed.

2) we could talk about public legacy, in church or country. I think of Springsteen's "the flag flies over the courthouse/means certain things are set in stone/ who we are/and what we'll do...and what we won't.

3) One could talk about afterlife, as Elijah doesn't seem to die as much as be transported. Stories built up around him. some thought he had to return at the end of days. Recall that he appears at the Transfiguration with Jesus.

4) Why does Elisha want a double portion of charisma? did he feel un equal to the task/ Was he power-hungry?

5) why does Elijah perform a reverse movement at the Jordan, as the entry to the Promised Land also went on a dried riverbed?

6) What do the priests know and how do they know it?

7) How would you use this accounbt to address the grieiving?

8) One could also use this story to talk about either boundaries, liminal places, or crossing the border moments in lfe.

10) Notice her ethe heavenly hosts ar enot an avenging army but more of a processional guard into a new realm for elijah.

11) Do you find the motif effective of going from place ot place?

12) Elisha's name is similar to Joashua, god saves/helps/delivers

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