Sunday, June 9, 2013

I Kings 19 Notes

1) I don't recognize this Elijah from the one at Mt. Carmel. I can aspire ot his courage, but this guy I understand. Do you feel at times like Elijah at the broom tree?
2)Notice that the angel gets him physical help not merely virtues.
3) Why 40 again?
4)what draws him to Horeb/Sinai?
5)What is your reaction to god's therapist question at the cave? One could go far with man cave, cave as symbol, even linking to the French Cro-Magnon caves or the cave in Cast Away.
6) Why do the theophany elements of Exodus not appear here? What does this say about our search for a "worship experience?"
7) I tend to translate still small voice as utter or sheer silence. This is a great entry point to meditation and prayer.
8) Why does Elijah repeat his issue in the divine presence?

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