Monday, May 27, 2013

Week of May 26 Devotional Points

Trinity Sunday-Ps.8 -Apollo 11 had a quote from the psalm from the Pope when it launched, and so the words of this psalm still are on the moon.It has been said that hunman beings are midway between apes and angels. No one could possibly appreciate the vast expanse of the universe as we cna with the photographs from space probes and telescope technology.So, who are we in the midst of that vat universe, or universes, that God is mindful of us?

Memorial Day is a hard day for me. I feel nostalgia for the parade our little town held on this day. I grieve for the “gold star” parents still. I heard a country about a man being compelled to drive his son;s truck around to have something of his to hold on to. It seems to me that every Christian has to confront the issue of pacifism and further we are all moved to mourn the awful loss of life of war and to care for the widowed and orphaned, as Lincoln memorably said.

Tuesday-Marjorie Thompson writes of the center of one’s life. when we don't act from it, we tend to get discouraged and feel diminished, as if we are merely another cog in the apparatus. when we do work from our center, our best self, we tend to have new ideas, more energy, and seem to contribute a positive dimension to others as well as our own mood.Have you found your center, spiritually or otherwise? Does it seem like uncharted territory?

Wednesday-I’ve been working and struggling with Zechariah.Its succession of visions leave me confused and uncertain as to their meaning. I tend to think that we can handle them more easily as we are used ot the succession of images in movies and TV.further, its images are picked up by John in Revelation, so they are obviously capable of some plasticity in approach. What images for god and the fiath mean the most to you? What are scenes or images in a movie or TV that have stuck with you?

Thursday-I just heard a country song advising us to live like we’re dying.the song says to go out of the comfort zone and take some chances: to skydive, to do something new, exciting and dangerous.It also says that the experience may push us to become better human beings: better friends, better parents, better spouses.Foir christians, every day can hold this promise, as we claim we die to our old selves and are constantly being born to a new, better, more elevated self.

Friday-we had an interesting discussion recently about some of us having trouble with the very idea of grace. Some of can only feel worthy of a gift if it is deserved. Raised on conditional love, we cannot even imagine unconditional love, and a gift without strings. Maybe we can go back a step. We may feel that we do not need grace, but others do. that may be a good starting point. Maybe praying for grace for them is a great start at claiming the gift of grace for oneself.

Saturday-June 1-For me summer starts today, even though the season officially starts later.I recall how summer seemed to stretch out before you during school vacation when little. It presaged ball games, swimming, and bike hikes.What are your hopes for the summer? Please consider adding some spiritual exercises or reading to your list of activities. What in your life seems to require summer vacation? What of summer presages the best times and enjoyments for you?

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