Sunday, May 12, 2013

end of Rev. notes and OT Pentecost and Trinity sunday notes

Rev. 22:12-14,16-17,20-21
This uses a number of images previously introduced to tie up loose ends perhaps-As usual the lectionary omits difficult material and it is up to us to expand it or not. Does the start of our section cause some disquiet on the justification/salvation front? How do you regard the Last Judgement? If we push this a bit, the bride of Christ image can cause disquiet but also is charged with all sorts of energy.The bright morning star could be a link to all sorts of other religious images. This may be an entry point into Christianity in a plural environment.(Is it possible that we have a Lucifer/Is.14 image here too?) the morning star image is an intriguing one (is it a taking from astrology or astronomy or both perhaps?) do we emphasize baptismal imagery in this passage and book  enough? To what degree is this tree of life also a symbol with other beliefs or is it only a return to Gen. 2? when do we feel moved to say Maranatha with conviction and yearning? One could also work with its closing words, so different than the viewpoints that are placed on this work. In the end, is this an inclusive or exclusive vision? (One may also consult the old O’Connor story, Revelation) Some textual variants had God’s grace to all, not the saints alone.

Gen.11 Babel-frames the primeval story with the desire to be as God,but this time we will reach God on our own.
one could also look at ANE tower construction-what building/technology is an attempt at Bebel goal fo the gate of God? With our advances are we once again at a point where “there is no limit to what we can do?”
language and  linguistic histories
technology-technical priesthood-technical imperative and Ellul as reaching the gateof god
Babel and Babylon and its gates-this seems to me to be a sotry included due to the exile in babylon
Deborah Tannen and other on troubles in communication
what is the impact of social media and a 24 hour news cycle on our communication? has it impeded analysis? To what degree do we live in a Babel/babble of sounds?

Prov. 8 and Woman wisdom major figure in first part of the book of Proverbs. why do you think so relatively neglected?
key to choose life and its path from DT.
belief in human grasp of order being a gateway to the divine (Seow and Inst. of Theol.) an antidote to chaos-Wisdom linked to Logos by Philo-
linked to creation itself-look a the succession of images in the passage for it
linked to artistic delight of creation some  elements of play here-perichoresis and dancing(as in choreography) could be an angle-maybe even liturgical dance if one is so inclined/rejoicing
Note William Brown Book 7 Pillars of Wisdom on creation themes.Trinity Books: Paul Fiddes-LaCugna-Cunningham

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