Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Notes on Rev. 1:4-8 for April 7

Just a few background items for my reading of Revelation passages from the lectionary. Plus, i need to work with this for a presbytery workshop. I continue to be taken by how thoroughly soaked it is in OT imagery, but it often makes reference to material with which we are unfamiliar in the OT. 2) I am deeply suspicious of the post-Darbyite attempts to read all apocalyptic material as a recipe for book for events marching toward a preordained conclusion. 3) We have allowed the previous to happen because we have ceded the field often. 4) Two books that have influence my reading of Revelation are Boring’s commentary in the Interp. series and Eugene Peterson’s Reversed Thunder.In theology Moltmann’s The Coming (of ) God engaged me. At the turn of the century we had an explosion of good books on apocalyptic thought and church history. Moorhead’s book, World Without End is a great look at Darby’s impact in the 19th century and the mainline distance from it.
In our silence on apocalyptic we have opened the door to Darby’s views becoming mainstream and “Biblical.” What are effective counter-measures at this late date? Too often, we merely dismiss not only the interpretation and their fix on us, but we do not offer distinctions.

1:4-8;It does not get stressed  enough that this is a Lord’s Day vision, a worship vision. It is apocalypse, unveiling, revealing, uncovering of another reality. So, we should read this material well due to our cinema literacy.
If Christological titles are important, we start in a treasure trove. Rulers has echoes of Ps. 89
firstborn of the dead is such an arresting image, perfect for the God who makes an Easter tomb a womb of new life.witness=martyr of course. Why have Christians, safe in our country, adopted victim/martyr perspectives? At v. 6 is this the culmination of the priestly kingdom? If you are feeling brave, one could do a piece on Amen here and elsewhere.
the one who was...was applied to Zeus.Is it an extension of the Name of Ex. 3:14?
look at how v. 7 links Dan. 7:13 and Zech. 12:10

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