Monday, March 11, 2013

OT Notes Is. 43:16-21

Again. please turn to Patricia Tull's new thoughtful christian piece on this chapter and the lectionary psalm as well.

1) Our first verses form  a major prop in the view that this section of isaiah sees the exile as a new exodus and return, as it drawn on the Red Sea image.

2) In our age of celebrity, when are celebrities extinguished like a wick?

3) I love v. 18. Are the former things the punishments or what? When does the past chain us? Haunt us?. When is consideration of things of old an obstacle. (This seems to be a major axiom in church growth ideology).this may also be an invitation to do some research on memory.See Springsteen's Glory Days, or Long Walk Home

4) Where do you see the hand of God in the new? When has it happened and we haven't noticed? When has god provided a way through a personal or corporate wilderness for you?

5)Why is an emphasis on wild animals? I wonder if we have an echo of the jackals prowling the Holy city in Lamentations? Do you hear echoes of Ex. 17 in the water imagery? How about John 4?

6) I think that one could go a far way with us being formed for God's praise. See the Interpretation piece, Costly Loss of Praise. Also, one could go the route of God as artist forming us, fussing over us, making alterations and adjustments.

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