Friday, March 8, 2013

Josh. 5:9-13

Sorry that this is late, but I have 2 excuses. I have been sick all week, and I was reading theology exams for the PCUSA.

1)  We have been using Patricia Tull's good study for thoughtful christian, and she speaks of taking responsibility or maturing, or becoming more adult for this passage.
2) Some speak of the wilderness period as a time when former slaves learned the responsibilities of freedom. What are those>

3) Do you think manna was a sign of dependence on the part of the people or better a sign of pure gift, or what?

4) When do you feel as if you entered into adulthood? what felt right, or scary, or plain wrong?

5) When do you wish you were more dependent and less independent? What about our interdependence?

6) Gilgal is a pun on gallal and has the sense of rolling. Notice that this cultic site is used on another Passover, just as the people were freed. What rolls away in the Promised Land? What rolls toward them?

7) How is Communion like manna?

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